Thesis/Thèse : Assessing Transportation Disadvantage and Public Transportation Opportunities in Rural Ontario: A Case Study of Huron County
Source: University of Guelph.
"In virtually all rural areas in Ontario the limited transportation alternatives means that rural residents without access to a personal vehicle are at great risk of transportation disadvantage."
"The primary research method for this research involved testing a transportation disadvantage framework using fourteen Key Informant Interviews undertaken with service providers operating within the case study of Huron County. The research found that residents within five demographic groups are at risk of transportation disadvantage within Huron County: older adults, those with physical or mental disabilities, youth, low-income households, and women. The research confirmed that transportation disadvantage exists on a continuum with some groups more disadvantaged than others, but also within groups with some accessibility needs more attainable than others."
Marr, Eric (2012). Assessing Transportation Disadvantage and Public Transportation Opportunities in Rural Ontario: A Case Study of Huron County. Rural Planning and Development. University of Guelph.