Webinars : Manitoba Rural Demography
Source: Rural Development Institute.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012. Manitoba has witnessed an unprecedented growth in recent times both in economic and population. The recent population counts publication from the 2011 Census showed rural Manitoba grew for the 6th consecutive inter-censal period—continuing a performance started in 1981.
As Manitoban’s know, this growth has not occurred everywhere. As elsewhere in Canada, some rural areas continue to grow and others continue to lose population. This pattern will be reviewed in the Canadian context.
What are the unique features of Manitoba's rural growth, where are the locations of growth and what are the implications?
On November 20th, founding editor of Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin, retired from Statistics Canada and also past-chair of OECD Working Party on Territorial Indicators, Ray Bollman, will present a live webinar to discuss the significance of Manitoba rural demography and its national and provincial implications. Born in Moline, Manitoba Ray holds a B.Sc and M.Sc in Agricultural Economics from the University of Manitoba, a PhD in economics from the University of Toronto, and has held several academic roles in Universities across Canada.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Time: 9:30 am – 10:30 am (CST)
Please register for this free webinar by November 14, 2012
For more information or to register:
email rdi2@brandonu.ca
Tel> 204-571-8550 or 204-571-8515
WWW: http://www.brandonu.ca/rdi/