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E-Book/Livre-E : Social and Scientific Perspectives on Agriculture and Rural Life in Atlantic Canada, October 2009

Source: Cape Breton University.
Elizabeth Beaton (ed.) Connecting the Dots: Social and Scientific Perspectives on Agriculture and Rural Life in Atlantic Canada. Cape Breton University Press, 2009. "This publication demonstrates the connections between science and society, and between scholarship and community." Emphasis on the human role in agriculture and rural communities helps to elucidate interactions between researchers (both scientific and social), practitioners, activists and the public sector.

The original outlines of the chapers were presented at Mabou in 2006 at a conference, "Sharing Knowledge on Agriculture and Rural Life in Atlantic Canada". But it is not simply a set of conference proceedings. The re-worked papers include new research; they benefit from the conference particpants' response, and they reflect recommendations from referees and the editor.
Authors include well-known academic researchers, government researchers, students' posters, and agricultural/community activitsts, all from Atlantic Canada. This book makes clear the importance and positive potential of agriculture and rural life in Atlantic Canada.

185 pages
cost: 19.95
Cape Breton University Press
1250 Grand Lake Road
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6L2

Also available free on-line.


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