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Books/Livres : The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in a Global Economy

Source: Community Development Institute, UNBC.
"The Next Rural Economies brings together rural and small-town scholars from seven OECD countries to present essays on the possible future of rural development."

"Past approaches to rural development have tended to focus on the "space economy," implying attention to comparative advantages, natural-resource endowments, and development strategies that sought mainly to overcome the cost of distance. Through the cumulative efforts of rural development practitioners and researchers, this space-based approach is being challenged and complemented by a recognition of the growing importance of "place-based economies." A place-based approach to rural development means that the unique attributes and assets of individual communities and regions now underscore their attractiveness for particular and contextually appropriate types of activities and investments."

Edited by Greg Halseth, Sean Markey and David Bruce.
CABI International: Oxfordshire, UK, 2010

Introductory Chapter

Book Table of Contents

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