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Reports/Rapports : ICT to Support Health and Wellness in Remote and Rural First Nations Communities

Source: National Research Council Canada.
This report is a comprehensive overview of how remote and rural First Nations and their partners and collaborators are using information and communication technologies (ICT) to support health and wellness in their communities.

The report authors hope it will be useful for evidence-based program and policy development. It may also spark ideas about how ICT can be improved and new technologies developed to meet community needs.

"Many of the more than 600 First Nations communities across Canada are located in rural or remote areas. Each has a distinctive culture and history and a diversity of healthcare needs. Most rural and remote First Nations communities have no resident clinicians. A visit by a clinician to a remote community may require a series of expensive flights on a small plane or a 10-hour drive on a temporary winter road. A trip by a rural First Nations resident to the nearest health centre may take two, three, and often four or more hours by vehicle on rough or unpaved roads. It is obvious that health services delivery in remote and rural First Nations will be different than health services delivery in urban locations."

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