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Reports/Rapports: Rural towns facing climate change, Australia

Source: Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Adelaide.
"Across Australia many of rural communities are already under threat, and climate change will put extra pressure on them, which will lead to extinction" said Professor Andrew Beer, University of Adelaide.

"The cost of dealing with extreme weather events will rise to the point where people will wonder whether it's worthwhile staying in these places," he said.

This report considers the impact of climate change on Australia’s country towns out to the year 2050 and the capacity of this component of Australia’s settlement system to adapt. This report is the first output from this project and presents the findings from the initial stages of the investigation. Later reports will present a fuller picture as the outputs of additional stages of analysis are presented.

Read full report.

Watch an interview of Professor Andrew Beer about climate change and the effect it has on rural Australian communities.



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