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Reports/Rapports : Rural Employers' Information Pathway for Hiring Temporary Foreign Workers in Manitoba

Source: RDI.
From 2007–2009, the Rural Development Institute (RDI) explored the impact of the arrival of temporary foreign workers (TFWs) on the demographics of Brandon and the community's ability to absorb and support newcomers.

RDI continued to study rural immigration in the Building Welcoming Communities: A multi-sector regional collaborative approach to rural immigration, 2009 – 2010 (Welcoming Communities) project, funded by the Rural Secretariat of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. As the Welcoming Communities project unfolded and through dialogue with economic development officers, rural employers and others it became apparent that the processes for hiring TFWs were complex and unique to each circumstance. It was also apparent that there was no document available to guide small rural employers through the process of hiring TFWs and to the applicable government departments and agencies. The process of hiring TFWs is complex and not linear in nature as each rural employer’s situation and needs are unique. The “Rural Employers’ Information Pathway for Hiring Temporary Foreign Workers in Manitoba” (Pathway) was developed for small rural employers to encompass the steps and departments/agencies involved in hiring TFWs.

The Pathway is organized into seven steps, with one optional action which is transitioning temporary foreign workers to permanent residents of Manitoba. Within each step information is provided on why the step is required, how to complete it, the results of completing the step, agencies and individuals involved and where to find more information. By using hyperlinks to original sources, the Pathway navigates to the government departments and agencies involved. To utilize the Pathway effectively employers should have access to a computer with an Internet connection. The steps are:

* Step 1: Confirm Labour Market Shortage: Recruit Canadian Citizens and/or Permanent Residents
* Step 2: Register your Business with the Manitoba Employment Standards Branch
* Step 3: Recruit Temporary Foreign Workers
* Step 4: Apply for a Labour Market Opinion (LMO) from Service Canada
* Step 5: Temporary Foreign Worker Applies for a Temporary Work Permit and Visa (if applicable
* Step 6: Temporary Foreign Worker Enters Canada
* Step 7: Welcome and Settle Employees

Download report.

Also, see the Hiring Temporary Foreign Workers: Discussions with Rural Employers Report.



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