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Books/Livres : Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change

Source: Rural Development Institute.
This book focuses on three multi-faceted aspects of rural sustainability: farms and farming, the remaking of rural communities and rural spaces, and policy and action in rural development. The research is focused on three global regions: North America, the United Kingdom and Ireland, and Australia.

Chapters are loosely organized into three Parts around research approaches toward the rural across national contexts. The chapters in Part I emphasize the complexity and dynamics of rural social systems in transition, and divergent perspectives of farmers and farming, food production and change. Part II chapters explore structures and models that help frame and understand the dynamics of rural communities, with applications to specific places and contexts. Finally, Part III chapters emphasize rural action and explore the significance of national policies and local actions to identify and address rural resources and change. Finally, we offer a concluding chapter as an assessment of the future of rural geography across national perspectives.

Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change, editors Dick G. Winchell, Doug Ramsey, Rhonda Koster and Guy M. Robinson
ISBN 978-1-895397-81-9 Price $55.00

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