Events/Événements: Broadening our horizons: Amenities, regional development and collaboration
Source: BC Rural Tourism Conference.
The BC Rural Tourism Conference: Broadening Our Horizons: Amenities, regional development and collaboration will be held April 19-21st in 108 Mile House, BC. The successful development of tourism in rural areas is driven by the creative use of natural and cultural amenities. These amenities make rural areas attractive places to visit, relocate or invest. Amenity based rural development is a new way of thinking about the future of rural areas. Instead of viewing them as home to resources that are extracted and exported out, we are now thinking of rural areas as home to numerous amenities that can be consumed by different audiences that must be imported into rural areas (such as visitors). As rural areas become more aware of the potential role of amenities in driving development, they are also asking questions about what works and how to deal with the sometimes unintended consequences of amenity use. This conference will provide a venue for those interested in the protection, promotion and use of natural and cultural amenities to come together, engage in dialogue and explore new ideas and solutions.
Conference themes:
* Private sector perspectives - are businesses able to capitalize on natural and cultural amenities?
* Grassroots initiatives – identification and use of amenities in regional tourism development
* Planning considerations – are we balancing the promotion and protection of tourism amenities?
* Marketing - what amenities should rural areas market, to who and how?
* Policy and program supports – are they working or do they need realignment?
For more information on the conference visit