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Positions/Postes : BC Regional Innovation Chair in Rural Economic Development

Source: Selkirk College.
Selkirk College is now recruiting for a Regional Innovation Chair (RIC) for Rural Economic Development. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to build on the successful start-up of the research chair initiative that was launched in 2006. The Regional Innovation Chair is supported through an endowment established under the BC Leading Edge Endowment Fund.

Selkirk College has staffed this position for its initial five year start-up period with great success and due to retirement of the current chair is seeking to recruit the next RIC chair. We are interested in applicants who show leadership skills, have a track record in applied research and technology transfer and in linking knowledge with applications. They should also have a demonstrated commitment to working with community partners.

The College invites applications from outstanding researchers in the area of rural economic development. The successful candidate will hold a BC Regional Innovation Chair (RIC), with permanent funding from an endowment established under guidelines established by the BC Leading Edge Endowment Fund (LEEF). The new RIC Chair position will have an expanded responsibility for leading a small research team in the newly formed Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute.

This posting closes on Thursday, March 31, 2011.

Read full description.



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