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Studies/Études : Families in regional, rural and remote Australia

Source: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
"Australia is one of the most urbanised countries in the world, with over two-thirds (69%) of the population living in major cities. It also has one of the lowest population densities outside of its major cities. Despite the vastness of Australia and the profound impact that this has on the lives of the peoples living in rural and remote areas, relatively little is known about families living in these areas of Australia compared to those living in major cities."

"This Facts Sheet describes how the characteristics of families differ between the "city" and the "country" or "bush". While words such as these are used in everyday parlance, it is very difficult to identify exactly where the city ends and the country begins. One way of categorising regions is in terms of the road distance from services, and this is the standard method to define remoteness for statistical purposes in Australia. Most of the information in this Facts Sheet is provided for: major cities, and inner regional, outer regional, remote, and very remote regions."

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